Sci Fi Weapons

A curated list by aCyborgGuy

Last Updated 1 year ago

Life in science fiction is rarely peaceful. Whether you're the attacker or defender, here are some sci fi weapon designs that I've found to be a cut above the rest.


I've included some points and highlights for most of the designs. Others are a bit more straightforward, and I'll let your imagination run wild on those.

Alien gun concept design by Longque Chen

I'm a big fan of shaped energy weapons. The general idea of magnetic bottles, shaping/containing energy, and the bad consequences of a magnetic bottle failure are all really fun things to think about. It's great when a weapon can evoke all of that. There are a lot of very advanced energy weapons, like Halo's energy/plasma sword. This brings a more mechanical flavor.

Space Sniper by Lars Sowig

Where can you shoot from? It's a wonderful question to ask when thinking about the limits of weapons in science fiction, and highlighted so well by this image. If technology is advanced enough, you can aim further out. Accelerate matter to faster and faster speeds. You can combine any combination of these things to open up new dynamics on the battlefield.

Quantum Singularity Blade by Fernando Correa

It's difficult to come up with swords and other non-projectile weapons that have a distinctly sci fi feel. This one does it! micro-singularities are such a neat concept. I normally see them used to power or move ships through space, but love the idea of a sword that generates a mini singularity.

Laser Rifle by Fernando Correa

Look at this old thing. Absolutely worn out, and it was very spartan to begin with. Who wouldn't want to use a weapon whose cartridge reminds you of a Super Nintendo cartridge? 

UT4 Weapons

Nyctophile - Energy Attachment by Garrett Post

Make sure you click through on this one. I've highlighted my favorite, but there's probably 100+ different designs on this page. Small changes from normal weapons isn't necessarily my favorite type of science fiction weapon, but the sheer amount of designs here gives you a lot to work with; and maybe the more industrial style is exactly what you like.

Fire Storm by Saeed Jalabi

When you need to burn everything. 🔥🔥🔥

Cyberoptics by DAYTONER / Daniel Hahn

Destiny has some really amazing designs in its worldbuilding. This is no exception. This Eyes Of Tomorrow rocket launcher gives off a really neat mixed tech feel. You simultaneously have advanced looking purple lines/wiring, but on the back have a dial and ports.

Cyborg alien weapons by Remy PAUL

Weapons with a shell/armor on the front. If you looked at just the back, you'd think it was a plain human weapon. If you looked at just the front, you'd think they were completely alien.

Warframe: Grineer Acid Gun by Sean Bigham

Energy Beam Rifle by Colin Quigley

I know it's a small thing, but my favorite aspect of this is in the bottom most rendering. The horizontal split. I always think of weapons very vertically, and looking at weapons that behave even just a bit differently are great.

Heat Gun by Saeed Jalabi

This guy is a beast. The front is basically a large cube, and that helps it feel powerful. You can physically see that there's a lot of space in this gun to house and then deliver massive amounts of energy.

Sushi Gun by E wo kaku Peter

This one is quite fun. A sushi gun! I like viewing it both as simply something quirky that you could find in a high-tech restaurant, or a piece in a sci fi world that itself is simply fun. When I delve into sci fi weapons, I always get serious about it. It's nice to have some fun in the list.

Valorant: Spline by Sean Bigham

It's hard to have so many curves if a weapon is designed to be held by humans. While the overall shape is pretty classic, the combination of the curves, the hollow form, and the blue ball energy source makes for a nice alien style weapon.

UT4 Weapons

Gun design ultra golden by Bruce Yu

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