Building A Gaia Planet

A curated list by aCyborgGuy

Last Updated 1 year ago

If you see most of the content I curate - it's science fiction. Gaia planets are one of those things that transcends being mostly sci fi or fantasy. Below are some images that help me worldbuild this type of planet, or race. I'm looking at more of a sci fi mindset when curating these images, but that's almost entirely arbitrary for most of them.

Light Fall by Daniel Conway

I always forget about crystals as a power source. It feels fantasy when surrounded by tree, but very sci fi when put into a console, and powering a space ship, and I think it's that gulf, that void, that makes mind mind steer towards other sources of power. 


But they're a great power source to have in a universe, and what better place to find and harvest them than a gaia style planet?

The Herald of the Onilith - Obliskura by Alex Konstad

The general concept of many small things forming into one large entity is a fun one to explore. It's fun for me to think of these as either more butterfly-esque, or actually more like leaves. 

Dragon Tree by 犀将(Saisho)

The destruction and suppression of nature is often explored on these types of planets, or with these types of races. Growth is organic. Cancer is uncontrolled growth. 


Cancerous growth doesn't have to be dark and red; though those colors certainly communicate the intent well. It could be green. Pretty. But destructive none-the-less.

Yorik Et from Star Wars

Spaceships are built, not grown… right? A race growing spaceships; grafting their design is quite cool. It's also cool to thing about beings being spaceships themselves.

Life Stream by Josh Pierce

I love when the planet's life/blood is a very real, very physical thing. When I think of this concept, the first thing that comes to mind is usually mako in Final Fantasy VII.


I like the idea of this kind of planet life energy flowing freely on a gaia style planet before any sort of corrupting influence arrives. Down the road, as resources are exploited, the rivers dry up, and wells start to be dug. 

The Essence of Nature by Galder


Gentle Creature of Dark Woods by Sverker Castillo

Woodman by Josh Corpuz

Here's one that doesn't actually fit in fantasy as well as sci fi! Normally when we think of machines, we think of them being at war with humans - or simply extracting natural resources from a planet. Most benevolent machines are high level artificial intelligences that will protect an entire planet or society.


Here we have a more tribal mech integrating with nature. Sentient, but not something that is going to protect an entire planet. 


(and I know it's a take on Woodman from Megaman - but we can just go with things as we see them)

CDC Insect Warrior by Thomas Chamberlain-Keen

... by Nai_ Ga

dude is this yours, I think you've dropped it back over there by Tomislav Jagnjic

Green Gateway by Robbie Trevino

Rootwire Amalgam - Magic the Gathering by Leon Tukker

Burning heart by Leon Tukker

Amaniloth by Robbie Trevino

Enjoy curating things? email us at [email protected] to apply, or for any other questions/issues.